Saturday, May 10, 2008

Friday, April 4, 2008

Fuerzabruta NY Trailer

Check website for tour dates.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

En Tus Brazos (In Your Arms)

Directed by François-Xavier Goby Edouard Jouret and Matthieu Landour. France 2005.
Original version on
Production: Supinfocom Valenciennes
Distribution: Premium Films
Music (first part): "En Tus Brazos" by Alfredo de Angelis and Oscar Larroca (vocal).
Composition by Carlos Zárate.
Lyrics by Elizardo Martínez Vilas (Marvil).

"Yo me cegué en tus ojazos y fui a caer en tus brazos. Y entre tus brazos yo fui feliz, porque te amé con delirio. Yo fui a caer en tus brazos y así llegué hasta el martirio. Te juro que enloquecí, cuando por dentro me vi, y comprendí lo que hacía. Quiero mirar hacia Dios, aunque me muerda el dolor, aunque me cueste morir"

"I held myself in your eyes, and fell into your arms. And in your arms I was happy, because I love you deliriously. I fell into your arms and like that, I reached the point of my martyrdom. I swear you drove me crazy when, inside, I saw myself and understood what you did. I want to see what God created, although the pain bites me, although it will cost my life."

Music (final part): "El Huracán" by Edgardo Donato.
Composition by Osvaldo Donato

My Rocky Mountain

Okay, so I heard this album for the first time while at a hostel in Lucerne, Switzerland about a year and a half ago (impossible to track down at the time). Still, I feel I must post it. Great cd artwork as well.

CocoRosie - Hairnet Paradise